Boston Shinkendo a case of dojo derangement syndrome!

Tale of a Toxic Sensei (reposed from When you first read the title of this post you initial reaction may be "Oh lord" not another internet rant about some a-hole Sensei with a serious bout of dojo derangement syndrome from some whiny student with an ax to grind... Well the initial response to that thought would be YES, yes there are definitely some elements of that in this post. However, rather than being a simple rant, the intention of this thread is more along the lines of understanding the warning signs from martial arts instructors who exhibit seriously bizarre behavioral issues, and what that does for studying martial arts in general. Ok, ok... I fully get that perhaps that seems like a veiled way of ranting and raving from the vantage point of some "moral high ground" and I fully concede that would be a fair assumption for the reader without any first hand knowledge. So rather than attempt to sell anyone on my sole view of this story, I ...