
Lets be honest, no amount of pseudo support will erase the disgust people have for Boston Shinkendo.

 We wonder if Little Shaftee, the moron of Shinkendo Boston is actually so delusional that he believes that Kaiso Obata, his wife, his kids are actually supportive of the shame he clearly brought to the International Shinkendo Federation by behaving so poorly that 10 students up and dumped his dumb ass all at the same time. We know the students escalated to Mike "the mook" Mason and he didn't do jack shit to help remove the shame. Also the other dojo sensei's' how are they explaining to their students that the so called authentic Japanese art is not acting in a traditional Japanese way which would mean removing the source of the shame. These are all valid questions that anyone who believes the nonsense of "Jinsei Shinkendo" or (Shinkendo is Life) should ask themself. How can Shinkendo be life, when it has a degusting cancer growing in its body? I dunno.... you tell me.

Boston Shinkendo many say it’s Sucks, and the Sensei Sucks!

 The running joke in the martial arts world is that Shinkendo is a crappy sword art for fat old white dudes in the US and Europe… End of all of those crappy Shinkendo  schools, Many former students say the absolute worst dojo is the one in Boston lead by some goofy little smelly guy name shiafttee and his goofy kids. But how does such a bad reputation go over with Yukishiro Obata, The fat son of Kaiso With 1/10 of his fathers skill. Let’s face it it had a shot making it big and now it’s dwindling down to nothing under Yuki because of the bad reputation and negative use that many hold about the school on social media. I don’t know I think all people should do their research and decide for  themselves if this Boston Shinkendo Dojo sucks as bad as everyone seems to think it does.

See the latest social media news on the controversial dojo Boston Shinkendo

 Get the latest on controversial  Boston Shinkendo dojo   Boston Shinkendo tales of a Bootlicker! New Blog about Why Shinkendo Sucks by Fruity Leoni   Boston Shinkendo Called out for BS marketing and worthless training.   Is Boston Shinkendo producing quality students?   Poor Obata, is Boston Shinkendo giving him regrets?   Boston Shinkendo former student says "he was the creepiest guys I ever met"   YeeLuvsLingam Blogs about Boston Shinkendo   Have you seen this moron from Boston Shinkendo?   Poor Instruction and nutty Sensei plague Boston Shinkemdo? Is the Shinkendo Boston Dojo the worst martial arts school in the world?   Desperate Boston Shinkendo Tries to Clean up Online presence!   Boston Shinkendo, Weasel, Whiner, Windbag?   I...

Boston Shinkendo a case of dojo derangement syndrome!

 Tale of a Toxic Sensei (reposed from When you first read the title of this post you initial reaction may be "Oh lord" not another internet rant about some a-hole Sensei with a serious bout of dojo derangement syndrome from some whiny student with an ax to grind... Well the initial response to that thought would be YES, yes there are definitely some elements of that in this post. However, rather than being a simple rant, the intention of this thread is more along the lines of understanding the warning signs from martial arts instructors who exhibit seriously bizarre behavioral issues, and what that does for studying martial arts in general. Ok, ok... I fully get that perhaps that seems like a veiled way of ranting and raving from the vantage point of some "moral high ground" and I fully concede that would be a fair assumption for the reader without any first hand knowledge. So rather than attempt to sell anyone on my sole view of this story, I ...

Former Boston Shinkendo Students doing their own thing!

  Ever since the vast bulk of the Boston Shinkendo  students, at least 10, all dumped that crappy Dojo and what they referred to as the worst Sensei that ever existed in the history of mankind, a.k.a. little shafteee... This group has gotten together despite the pandemic put together their own Kenjutsu curriculum. Which  inckudes  elements of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu, Katori Shinto  Ryu, Muso Jikkiden, and some of the basic Skinkendo exercises that are still worth practicing. Why be part of some federation that didn’t stand by the students (but sure as hell took their money)... These former students are now doing their own thing several days a week at the new  dojo that is far superior to that dirt hole Soshinkan, and they are training regularly - without any drama, no negativity, no yelling and screaming, no buffoonery or cultish antics from a dumb ass Sensei who doesn’t know what he’s doing... That’s a least a few thousand $$  a year the ISF is losing in a...

Boston Shinkemdo, a poorly run dojo?

 Does this image symbolize the history of the International Shinkendo Federation dojo in Boston, aka Boston Shinkendo and it s widely despised instructors “little Shafteee”..... This doesn’t look like a success story to most? Hey Yukishiro Obata does this scream success to you?

Boston Shinkendo Controversies - Shinkendo, a made up style claims to be the "true way of the sword"... hmmmmm

  Ko-ryū   ( Japanese :  古流 , "old school")  is a  Japanese  term for any kind of Japanese school of traditional arts. The term literally translates as " old   school " ( ko —old,  ryū —school) or "traditional school". It is sometimes also translated as "old style". Shinkendo : a made up style created in the 1990's by a dude who played the bad guy in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie... Shinkendo is based predominantly on Toyama Ryu which itself is a post Samurai era style, and has a few made up kata and some techniques ripped off from Yagyu Shinkage Ryu. The found Toshishiro Obata even admits this... his goofball sun now runs the so called International Shinkendo Federation is made up by predominantly fat old white dudes in the US and Europe who like to do Samurai cosplay and make fools of themselves in the martial arts world. The only true thing about Shinkendo is that it TRULY is a style for WIMPS and WEIRDOS! Take the case of the Bo...