Lets be honest, no amount of pseudo support will erase the disgust people have for Boston Shinkendo.


 We wonder if Little Shaftee, the moron of Shinkendo Boston is actually so delusional that he believes that Kaiso Obata, his wife, his kids are actually supportive of the shame he clearly brought to the International Shinkendo Federation by behaving so poorly that 10 students up and dumped his dumb ass all at the same time.

We know the students escalated to Mike "the mook" Mason and he didn't do jack shit to help remove the shame.

Also the other dojo sensei's' how are they explaining to their students that the so called authentic Japanese art is not acting in a traditional Japanese way which would mean removing the source of the shame.

These are all valid questions that anyone who believes the nonsense of "Jinsei Shinkendo" or (Shinkendo is Life) should ask themself.

How can Shinkendo be life, when it has a degusting cancer growing in its body?

I dunno.... you tell me.


  1. This dojo stinks

  2. hey, jay it almost stinks as bad as you and I do at tai sabaki lmao

  3. You both stink! So does he!


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