Boston Shinkendo Controversies - Shinkendo, a made up style claims to be the "true way of the sword"... hmmmmm


Shinkendo is Bullshit

 (Japanese古流, "old school") is a Japanese term for any kind of Japanese school of traditional arts. The term literally translates as "old school" (ko—old, ryū—school) or "traditional school". It is sometimes also translated as "old style".

Shinkendo: a made up style created in the 1990's by a dude who played the bad guy in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie...

Shinkendo is based predominantly on Toyama Ryu which itself is a post Samurai era style, and has a few made up kata and some techniques ripped off from Yagyu Shinkage Ryu.

The found Toshishiro Obata even admits this... his goofball sun now runs the so called International Shinkendo Federation is made up by predominantly fat old white dudes in the US and Europe who like to do Samurai cosplay and make fools of themselves in the martial arts world.

The only true thing about Shinkendo is that it TRULY is a style for WIMPS and WEIRDOS!

Take the case of the Boston Shinkendo "Soshinkan" dojo.

That craphole has the worst reputation as a martial arts dojo and is hated by people world wide.

The Sensei is viewed as a total nutball, the skills and instruction is reported all over Social media to be absolutely horrible.

So why in the hell would any self respecting martial arts student ever want to be part of this Shinkendo nonsense?

I sure wouldn't!

#Obata #shinkendo #ISF #internationalshinkendofederation #jinsel #koryu #mcdojo #morons #martialarts #clowns #shitshow #boston #honbu #yukishiro #obata


  1. Boston Shinkendo Sucks

  2. All Traditional Japanese styles are made up by men based on their experience in combat or imagination. In Japan itself every school claims to be the only True sword school and their way is the best. But when comparing Japanese schools with Americans I find that the Japanese are more realistic than the Americans.
    I have practiced Kindo, Katori-Shinto Ryu, Omori Ryu and Shinkendo. They are all similar in the principles different in style but none of them falling from heaven with the first man on earth, all been invented by men. You may have a conflict with the dojo in Boston and I can see your point not necessarily agreeing with it. I’ve checked the Dojo‘s website it lacks Some essential information about the Sensei and the instructors.


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